Buy, Rent, Burn - Episode 14

We select three video games at random and give them a play before deciding which game we would Buy, Rent, or Burn!!! This week we look at Fantasy Zone, Time Soldiers, and Enduro Racer for the Sega Master System.

Turbo Kid - Amazing Movie Time!!!

On this installment of Amazing Movie Time we look at the 80's inspired Turbo Kid. The story of a young hero fighting his way through a post apocalyptic wasteland to save a new found friend...with lots of blood, soooo much blood! 

Sea of Thieves

The Gamers discuss the upcoming Microsoft exclusive Sea of Thieves.

The McDonald's Incident

An innocent discussion about McDonald's bringing back the Arch Deluxe goes horribly wrong!!!

Let's Talk Labo

The Gamers discuss the recently unveiled Nintendo Labo.

Weekend Rental Podcast - Episode 14: The Gamers Just Want 2 Cheeseburgers

The Failbag joins our normal podcast. A Buy, Rent, Burn of Sega Master System games present tough decisions. We also go down a few random topics that cannot be missed.

Buy, Rent, Burn - Episode 13


We select three video games at random and give them a play before deciding which game we would Buy, Rent, or Burn!!! This week we look at Kwirk, Rescue of Princess Blobette, and Sneaky Snakes for the Game Boy.

Amazing Movie Time - Rubber

Welcome to the first installment of Amazing Movie Time! We kick things off with Rubber, a movie staring a tire that destroys all living things in its path through the power of telekinesis. Yup....a tire.

Weekend Rental Podcast - Episode 13: The Gamers are Movie Critics

For the new year, we switched up our content. A thoughtful discussion of the movie "Rubber" accompanies a more focused Buy, Rent, Burn.